Multithreaded Cannon Fault Proof Virtual Machine

Table of Contents


This is a description of the second iteration of the Cannon Fault Proof Virtual Machine (FPVM). When necessary to distinguish this version from the initial implementation, it can be referred to as Multithreaded Cannon (MTCannon). Similarly, the original Cannon implementation can be referred to as Singlethreaded Cannon (STCannon) where necessary for clarity.

The MTCannon FPVM emulates a minimal uniprocessor Linux-based system running on big-endian 32-bit MIPS32 architecture. A lot of its behaviors are copied from Linux/MIPS with a few tweaks made for fault proofs. For the rest of this doc, we refer to the MTCannon FPVM as simply the FPVM.

Operationally, the FPVM is a state transition function. This state transition is referred to as a Step, that executes a single instruction. We say the VM is a function , given an input state , steps on a single instruction encoded in the state to produce a new state .

Thus, the trace of a program executed by the FPVM is an ordered set of VM states.

New Features


MTCannon adds support for multithreading. Thread management and scheduling are typically handled by the operating system (OS) kernel: programs make thread-related requests to the OS kernel via syscalls. As such, this implementation includes a few new Linux-specific thread-related syscalls. Additionally, the FPVM state has been modified in order to track the set of active threads and thread-related global state.


In the initial implementation of Cannon, unrecognized syscalls were treated as noops (see "Noop Syscalls"). To ensure no unexpected behaviors are triggered, MTCannon will now raise an exception if unrecognized syscalls are encountered during program execution.


The MTCannon FPVM rotates between threads to provide multitasking rather than true parallel processing. The VM state holds an ordered set of thread state objects representing all executing threads.

On any given step, there is one active thread that will be processed.

Thread Management

The FPVM state contains two thread stacks that are used to represent the set of all threads: leftThreadStack and rightThreadStack. An additional boolean value (traverseRight) determines which stack contains the currently active thread and how threads are rearranged when the active thread is preempted (see "Thread Preemption" for details).

When traversing right, the thread on the top of the right stack is the active thread, the right stack is referred to as the "active" stack, and the left the "inactive" stack. Conversely, when traversing left, the active thread is on top of the left stack, the left stack is "active", and the right is "inactive".

Representing the set of threads as two stacks allows for a succinct commitment to the contents of all threads. For details, see “Thread Stack Hashing”.

Thread Traversal Mechanics

Threads are traversed deterministically by moving from the first thread to the last thread, then from the last thread to the first thread repeatedly. For example, given the set of threads: {0,1,2,3}, the FPVM would traverse to each as follows: 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, ….

Thread Preemption

Threads are traversed via "preemption": the currently active thread is popped from the active stack and pushed to the inactive stack. If the active stack is empty, the FPVM state's traverseRight field is flipped ensuring that there is always an active thread.

Wakeup Traversal

When a futex wake syscall is made, the FPVM state’s wakeup field is set to the memory address specified by this syscall. This causes the FPVM to enter a "wakeup traversal" mode where it iterates through the existing threads, looking for a thread that is currently waiting on the wakeup address. The wakeup traversal will continue until such a thread is found or else all threads have been checked. During wakeup traversal, no instructions are processed and no threads are updated, the VM simply steps through threads one at a time until wakeup traversal completes.

Wakeup traversal proceeds as follows across multiple steps:

  • When a futex wakeup syscall is made:
    • The state's wakeup field is set to an address specified by the syscall.
    • The currently active thread is preempted.
    • The FPVM state is set to traverse left, if possible (if the left thread stack is non-empty).
  • On each subsequent step while wakeup is set:
    • The currently active thread's futexAddr is checked for a match with wakeup.
    • If a match is found:
      • The wakeup traversal completes 1, leaving the matching thread as the currently active thread.
    • If the currently active thread is not a match:
      • The active thread is preempted.
      • If the right thread stack is now empty:
        • This means all threads have been visited (the traversal begins by moving left, then right so this is the end of the traversal).
        • The wakeup traversal completes 1.

Wakeup traversal is completed by setting the FPVM state's wakeup field to 0xFFFFFFFF (-1), causing the FPVM to resume normal execution.

Exited Threads

When the VM encounters an active thread that has exited, it is popped from the active thread stack, removing it from the VM state.

Waiting Threads

Threads enter a waiting state when a futex wait syscall is successfully executed, setting the thread's futexAddr, futexVal, and futexTimeoutStep fields according to the futex syscall arguments.

During normal execution, when the active thread is in a waiting state (its futexAddr is not 0xFFFFFFFF), the VM checks if it can be woken up.

A waiting thread will be woken up if:

  • The current step (after incrementing) is greater than futexTimeoutStep
  • The memory value at futexAddr is no longer equal to futexVal

The VM will wake such a thread by resetting its futex fields:

  • futexAddr = 0xFFFFFFFF
  • futexVal = 0
  • futexTimeoutStep = 0

If the current thread is waiting and cannot be woken, it is preempted.

Voluntary Preemption

In addition to the futex wait syscall (see "Waiting Threads"), there are a few other syscalls that will cause a thread to be "voluntarily" preempted: sched_yield, nanosleep.

Forced Preemption

To avoid thread starvation (for example where a thread hogs resources by never executing a sleep, yield, or wait), the FPVM will force a context switch if the active thread has been executing too long.

For each step executed on a particular thread, the state field stepsSinceLastContextSwitch is incremented. When a thread is preempted, StepsSinceLastContextSwitch is reset to 0. If StepsSinceLastContextSwitch reaches a maximum value (SchedQuantum = 100_000), the FPVM preempts the active thread.

Stateful Instructions

The Load Linked Word (ll) and Store Conditional Word (sc) instructions provide the low-level primitives used to implement atomic read-modify-write (RMW) operations. A typical RMW sequence might play out as follows:

  • ll place a "reservation" on a particular memory address.
  • Subsequent instructions take the value at this address and perform some operation on it:
    • For example, maybe a counter variable is reserved and incremented.
  • sc is called and the modified value is stored at the reserved address only if it has not been modified since the reservation was placed.

This RMW sequence ensures that if another thread or process modifies a target memory address while an atomic update is being performed, the atomic update will fail.

Prior to MTCannon, we could be assured that no intervening process would modify that target memory location because STCannon is singlethreaded. With the introduction of multithreading, additional fields need to be stored in the FPVM state to track memory reservations initiated by ll operations.

When an ll instruction is executed:

  • llReservationActive is set to true.
  • llAddress is set to the memory address specified by ll.
  • llOwnerThread is set to the threadID of the active thread.

Only a single memory reservation can be active at a given time - a new reservation will clear any previous reservation.

When the VM writes any data to memory, these ll-related fields are checked and the memory reservation is cleared if a memory write touches a reserved llAddress.

When an sc instruction is executed, the operation will only succeed if:

  • There exists an active reservation (llReservationActive == true).
  • The active thread's threadID matches llOwnerThread.
  • The requested address matches llAddress.

On success, sc stores a value at the target memory address, clears the memory reservation and returns 1. On failure, sc returns 0.

FPVM State


The FPVM is a state transition function that operates on a state object consisting of the following fields:

  1. memRoot - A bytes32 value representing the merkle root of VM memory.
  2. preimageKey - bytes32 value of the last requested pre-image key.
  3. preimageOffset - The 32-bit value of the last requested pre-image offset.
  4. heap - 32-bit base address of the most recent memory allocation via mmap.
  5. llReservationActive - 8-bit boolean indicator of whether a memory reservation, which is reserved via a Load Linked Word (ll) instruction, is active.
  6. llAddress - 32-bit address of the currently active memory reservation if one exists.
  7. llOwnerThread - 32-bit id of the thread that initiated the current memory reservation if one exists.
  8. exitCode - 8-bit exit code.
  9. exited - 8-bit boolean valuel indicating whether the VM has exited.
  10. step - 64-bit step counter.
  11. stepsSinceLastContextSwitch - 64-bit step counter that tracks the number of steps executed on the current thread since the last preemption.
  12. wakeup - 32-bit address set via a futex syscall signaling that the VM has entered wakeup traversal or else 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) if there is no active wakeup signal. For details see "Wakeup Traversal".
  13. traverseRight - 8-bit boolean that indicates whether the currently active thread is on the left or right thread stack, as well as some details on thread traversal mechanics. See "Thread Traversal Mechanics" for details.
  14. leftThreadStack - a bytes32 hash of the contents of the left thread stack. For details, see the “Thread Stack Hashing” section.
  15. rightThreadStack - a bytes32 hash of the contents of the right thread stack. For details, see the “Thread Stack Hashing” section.
  16. nextThreadID - 32-bit value defining the id to assign to the next thread that is created.

The state is represented by packing the above fields, in order, into a 172-byte buffer.

State Hash

The state hash is computed by hashing the 172-byte state buffer with the Keccak256 hash function and then setting the high-order byte to the respective VM status.

The VM status can be derived from the state's exited and exitCode fields.

enum VmStatus {
    Valid = 0,
    Invalid = 1,
    Panic = 2,
    Unfinished = 3,

fn vm_status(exit_code: u8, exited: bool) -> u8 {
    if exited {
        match exit_code {
            0 => VmStatus::Valid,
            1 => VmStatus::Invalid,
            _ => VmStatus::Panic,
    } else {

Thread State

The state of a single thread is tracked and represented by a thread state object consisting of the following fields:

  1. threadID - 32-bit unique thread identifier.
  2. exitCode - 8-bit exit code.
  3. exited - 8-bit boolean value indicating whether the thread has exited.
  4. futexAddr - 32-bit address set via a futex syscall indicating that this thread is waiting on a value change at this address.
  5. futexVal - 32-bit value representing the memory contents at futexAddr when this thread began waiting.
  6. futexTimeoutStep - 64-bit value representing the future step at which the futex wait will time out. Set to the max uint64 value (-1) if no timeout is active.
  7. pc - 32-bit program counter.
  8. nextPC - 32-bit next program counter. Note that this value may not always be when executing a branch/jump delay slot.
  9. lo - 32-bit MIPS LO special register.
  10. hi - 32-bit MIPS HI special register.
  11. registers - General-purpose MIPS32 registers. Each register is a 32-bit value.

A thread is represented by packing the above fields, in order, into a 166-byte buffer.

Thread Hash

A thread hash is computed by hashing the 166-byte thread state buffer with the Keccak256 hash function.

Thread Stack Hashing

Note: The ++ operation represents concatenation of 2 byte string arguments

Each thread stack is represented in the FPVM state by a "hash onion" construction using the Keccak256 hash function. This construction provides a succinct commitment to the contents of a thread stack using a single bytes32 value:

  • An empty stack is represented by the value:
    • c0 = hash(bytes32(0) ++ bytes32(0))
  • To push a thread to the stack, hash the concatenation of the current stack commitment with the thread hash:
    • push(c0, el0) => c1 = hash(c0 ++ hash(el0)).
  • To push another thread:
    • push(c1, el1) => c2 = hash(c1 ++ hash(el1)).
  • To pop an element from the stack, peel back the last hash (push) operation:
    • pop(c2) => c3 = c1
  • To prove the top value elTop on the stack, given some commitment c, you just need to reveal the bytes32 commitment c' for the stack without elTop and verify:
    • c = hash(c' ++ hash(elTop))


Memory is represented as a binary merkle tree. The tree has a fixed-depth of 27 levels, with leaf values of 32 bytes each. This spans the full 32-bit address space, where each leaf contains the memory at that part of the tree. The state memRoot represents the merkle root of the tree, reflecting the effects of memory writes. As a result of this memory representation, all memory operations are 4-byte aligned. Memory access doesn't require any privileges. An instruction step can access any memory location as the entire address space is unprotected.


FPVM state contains a heap that tracks the base address of the most recent memory allocation. Heap pages are bump allocated at the page boundary, per mmap syscall. mmap-ing is purely to satisfy program runtimes that need the memory-pointer result of the syscall to locate free memory. The page size is 4096.

The FPVM has a fixed program break at 0x40000000. However, the FPVM is permitted to extend the heap beyond this limit via mmap syscalls. For simplicity, there are no memory protections against "heap overruns" against other memory segments. Such VM steps are still considered valid state transitions.

Specification of memory mappings is outside the scope of this document as it is irrelevant to the VM state. FPVM implementers may refer to the Linux/MIPS kernel for inspiration.

Delay Slots

The post-state of a step updates the nextPC, indicating the instruction following the pc. However, in the case of where a branch instruction is being stepped, the nextPC post-state is set to the branch target. And the pc post-state set to the branch delay slot as usual.

A VM state transition is invalid whenever the current instruction is a delay slot that is filled with jump or branch type instruction. That is, where while stepping on a jump/branch instruction. Otherwise, there would be two consecutive delay slots. While this is considered "undefined" behavior in typical MIPS implementations, FPVM must raise an exception when stepping on such states.


Syscalls work similar to Linux/MIPS, including the syscall calling conventions and general syscall handling behavior. However, the FPVM supports a subset of Linux/MIPS syscalls with slightly different behaviors. These syscalls have identical syscall numbers and ABIs as Linux/MIPS.

For all of the following syscalls, an error is indicated by setting the return register ($v0) to 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) and errno ($a3) is set accordingly. The VM must not modify any register other than $v0 and $a3 during syscall handling.

The following tables summarize supported syscalls and their behaviors. If an unsupported syscall is encountered, the VM will raise an exception.

Supported Syscalls

$v0system call$a0$a1$a2$a3Effect
4090mmapuint32 addruint32 len🚫🚫Allocates a page from the heap. See heap for details.
4045brk🚫🚫🚫🚫Returns a fixed address for the program break at 0x40000000
4246exit_groupuint8 exit_code🚫🚫🚫Sets the exited and exitCode state fields to true and $a0 respectively.
4003readuint32 fdchar *bufuint32 count🚫Similar behavior as Linux/MIPS with support for unaligned reads. See I/O for more details.
4004writeuint32 fdchar *bufuint32 count🚫Similar behavior as Linux/MIPS with support for unaligned writes. See I/O for more details.
4055fcntluint32 fdint32 cmd🚫🚫Similar behavior as Linux/MIPS. Only the F_GETFD(1) and F_GETFL (3) cmds are supported. Sets errno to 0x16 for all other commands.
4120cloneuint32 flagsuint32 stack_ptr🚫🚫Creates a new thread based on the currently active thread's state. Supports a flags argument equal to 0x00050f00, other values cause the VM to exit with exit_code VmStatus.PANIC.
4001exituint8 exit_code🚫🚫🚫Sets the active thread's exited and exitCode state fields to true and $a0 respectively.
4162sched_yield🚫🚫🚫🚫Preempts the active thread and returns 0.
4222gettid🚫🚫🚫🚫Returns the active thread's threadID field.
4238futexuint32 addruint32 futex_opuint32 valuint32 *timeoutSupports futex_op's FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE (128) and FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE (129). Other operations set errno to 0x16.
4005open🚫🚫🚫🚫Sets errno to 0x9.
4166nanosleep🚫🚫🚫🚫Preempts the active thread and returns 0.
4263clock_gettimeuint32 clock_iduint32 addr🚫🚫Supports clock_id's REALTIME(0) and MONOTONIC(1). For other clock_id's, sets errno to 0x16. Calculates a deterministic time value based on the state's step field and a constant HZ (10,000,000) where HZ represents the approximate clock rate (steps / second) of the FPVM:

seconds = step/HZ
nsecs = (step % HZ) * 10^9/HZ

Seconds are set at memory address addr and nsecs are set at addr + 4.
4020getpid🚫🚫🚫🚫Returns 0.

Noop Syscalls

For the following noop syscalls, the VM must do nothing except to zero out the syscall return ($v0) and errno ($a3) registers.

$v0system call


The VM does not support Linux open(2). However, the VM can read from and write to a predefined set of file descriptors.

NameFile descriptorDescription
stdin0read-only standard input stream.
stdout1write-only standard output stream.
stderr2write-only standard error stream.
hint response3read-only. Used to read the status of pre-image hinting.
hint request4write-only. Used to provide pre-image hints
pre-image response5read-only. Used to read pre-images.
pre-image request6write-only. Used to request pre-images.

Syscalls referencing unknown file descriptors fail with an EBADF errno as done on Linux.

Writing to and reading from standard output, input and error streams have no effect on the FPVM state. FPVM implementations may use them for debugging purposes as long as I/O is stateless.

All I/O operations are restricted to a maximum of 4 bytes per operation. Any read or write syscall request exceeding this limit will be truncated to 4 bytes. Consequently, the return value of read/write syscalls is at most 4, indicating the actual number of bytes read/written.

Standard Streams

Writing to stderr/stdout standard stream always succeeds with the write count input returned, effectively continuing execution without writing work. Reading from stdin has no effect other than to return zero and errno set to 0, signalling that there is no input.

Hint Communication

Hint requests and responses have no effect on the VM state other than setting the $v0 return register to the requested read/write count. VM implementations may utilize hints to setup subsequent pre-image requests.

Pre-image Communication

The preimageKey and preimageOffset state are updated via read/write syscalls to the pre-image read and write file descriptors (see I/O). The preimageKey buffers the stream of bytes written to the pre-image write fd. The preimageKey buffer is shifted to accommodate new bytes written to the end of it. A write also resets the preimageOffset to 0, indicating the intent to read a new pre-image.

When handling pre-image reads, the preimageKey is used to lookup the pre-image data from an Oracle. A max 4-byte chunk of the pre-image at the preimageOffset is read to the specified address. Each read operation increases the preimageOffset by the number of bytes requested (truncated to 4 bytes and subject to alignment constraints).

Pre-image I/O Alignment

As mentioned earlier in memory, all memory operations are 4-byte aligned. Since pre-image I/O occurs on memory, all pre-image I/O operations must strictly adhere to alignment boundaries. This means the start and end of a read/write operation must fall within the same alignment boundary. If an operation were to violate this, the input count of the read/write syscall must be truncated such that the effective address of the last byte read/written matches the input effective address.

The VM must read/write the maximum amount of bytes possible without crossing the input address alignment boundary. For example, the effect of a write request for a 3-byte aligned buffer must be exactly 3 bytes. If the buffer is misaligned, then the VM may write less than 3 bytes depending on the size of the misalignment.


The FPVM may raise an exception rather than output a post-state to signal an invalid state transition. Nominally, the FPVM must raise an exception in at least the following cases:

  • Invalid instruction (either via an invalid opcode or an instruction referencing registers outside the general purpose registers).
  • Unsupported syscall.
  • Pre-image read at an offset larger than the size of the pre-image.
  • Delay slot contains branch/jump instruction types.
  • Invalid thread state:
    • There are no threads - both thread stacks are empty.
    • The active thread stack is empty.

VM implementations may raise an exception in other cases that is specific to the implementation. For example, an on-chain FPVM that relies on pre-supplied merkle proofs for memory access may raise an exception if the supplied merkle proof does not match the pre-state memRoot.

Security Model

Compiler Correctness

Cannon is designed to prove the correctness of a particular state transition that emulates a MIPS32 machine. Cannon does not guarantee that the MIPS32 instructions correctly implement the program that the user intends to prove. As a result, Cannon's use as a Fault Proof system inherently depends to some extent on the correctness of the compiler used to generate the MIPS32 instructions over which Cannon operates.

To illustrate this concept, suppose that a user intends to prove simple program input + 1 = output. Suppose then that the user's compiler for this program contains a bug and errantly generates the MIPS instructions for a slightly different program input + 2 = output. Although Cannon would correctly prove the operation of this compiled program, the result proven would differ from the user's intent. Cannon proves the MIPS state transition but makes no assertion about the correctness of the translation between the user's high-level code and the resulting MIPS program.

As a consequence of the above, it is the responsibility of a program developer to develop tests that demonstrate that Cannon is capable of proving their intended program correctly over a large number of possible inputs. Such tests defend against bugs in the user's compiler as well as ways in which the compiler may inadvertently break one of Cannon's Compiler Assumptions. Users of Fault Proof systems are strongly encouraged to utilize multiple proof systems and/or compilers to mitigate the impact of errant behavior in any one toolchain.

Compiler Assumptions

Cannon makes the simplifying assumption that users are utilizing compilers that do not rely on MIPS exception states for standard program behavior. In other words, Cannon generally assumes that the user's compiler generates spec-compliant instructions that would not trigger an exception. Refer to Exceptions for a list of conditions that are explicitly handled.

Certain cases that would typically be asserted by a strict implementation of the MIPS32 specification are not handled by Cannon as follows:

  • add, addi, and sub do not trigger an exception on signed integer overflow.
  • Instruction encoding validation does not trigger an exception for fields that should be zero.
  • Memory instructions do not trigger an exception when addresses are not naturally aligned.

Many compilers, including the Golang compiler, will not generate code that would trigger these conditions under bug-free operation. Given the inherent reliance on Compiler Correctness in applications using Cannon, the tests and defense mechanisms that must necessarily be employed by Cannon users to protect their particular programs against compiler bugs should also suffice to surface bugs that would break these compiler assumptions. Stated simply, Cannon can rely on specific compiler behaviors because users inherently must employ safety nets to guard against compiler bugs.