Token Bridging

Table of Contents


Without a standardized security model, bridged assets may not be fungible with each other. The SuperchainERC20 unifies ERC20 token bridging to make it fungible across the Superchain. It builds on top of the messaging protocol, as the most trust minimized bridging solution.

Unlike other standards, such as xERC20, where users interact with a bridge possessing mint and burn privileges on cross-chain enabled tokens, this approach allows users to call methods directly on the token contract.



The standard will build on top of ERC20 and include the following functions:


Transfer _amount amount of tokens to address _to in chain _chainId.

It SHOULD burn _amount tokens and initialize a message to the L2ToL2CrossChainMessenger to mint the _amount in the target address _to at _chainId and emit the SentERC20 event including the msg.sender as parameter.

sendERC20(address _to, uint256 _amount, uint256 _chainId)


Process incoming messages IF AND ONLY IF initiated by the same contract (token) address on a different chain and come from the L2ToL2CrossChainMessenger in the local chain. It SHOULD mint _amount to address _to, as defined in sendERC20 and emit an event including the _from and chain id from the source chain, where _from is the msg.sender of sendERC20.

relayERC20(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount)



MUST trigger when a cross-chain transfer is initiated using sendERC20.

event SentERC20(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount, uint256 destination)


MUST trigger when a cross-chain transfer is finalized using relayERC20.

event RelayedERC20(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount, uint256 source);


The following diagram depicts a cross-chain transfer.

  participant from
  participant SuperERC20_A as SuperchainERC20 (Chain A)
  participant Messenger_A as L2ToL2CrossDomainMessenger (Chain A)
  participant Inbox as CrossL2Inbox
  participant Messenger_B as L2ToL2CrossDomainMessenger (Chain B)
  participant SuperERC20_B as SuperchainERC20 (Chain B)
  participant Recipient as to

  from->>SuperERC20_A: sendERC20To(to, amount, chainID)
  SuperERC20_A->>SuperERC20_A: burn(from, amount)
  SuperERC20_A->>Messenger_A: sendMessage(chainId, message)
  SuperERC20_A-->SuperERC20_A: emit SentERC20(from, to, amount, destination)
  Inbox->>Messenger_B: relayMessage()
  Messenger_B->>SuperERC20_B: relayERC20(from, to, amount)
  SuperERC20_B->>SuperERC20_B: mint(to, amount)
  SuperERC20_B-->SuperERC20_B: emit RelayedERC20(from, to, amount, source)


An example implementation that depends on deterministic deployments across chains for security is provided. This construction builds on top of the L2ToL2CrossDomainMessenger for both replay protection and domain binding.

function sendERC20(address _to, uint256 _amount, uint256 _chainId) public {
  _burn(msg.sender, _amount);
  bytes memory _message = abi.encodeCall(this.relayERC20, (msg.sender, _to, _amount));
  L2ToL2CrossDomainMessenger.sendMessage(_chainId, address(this), _message);
  emit SentERC20(msg.sender, _to, _amount, _chainId);

function relayERC20(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) external {
  require(msg.sender == address(L2ToL2CrossChainMessenger));
  require(L2ToL2CrossChainMessenger.crossDomainMessageSender() == address(this));
  uint256 _source = L2ToL2CrossChainMessenger.crossDomainMessageSource();

  _mint(_to, _amount);

  emit RelayedERC20(_from, _to, _amount, _source);


Besides the ERC20 invariants, the SuperchainERC20 will require the following interop specific properties:

  • Conservation of bridged amount: The minted amount in relayERC20() should match the amount that was burnt in sendERC20(), as long as target chain has the initiating chain in the dependency set.
    • Corollary 1: Finalized cross-chain transactions will conserve the sum of totalSupply and each user's balance for each chain in the Superchain.
    • Corollary 2: Each initiated but not finalized message (included in initiating chain but not yet in target chain) will decrease the totalSupply and the initiating user balance precisely by the burnt amount.
    • Corollary 3: SuperchainERC20s should not charge a token fee or increase the balance when moving cross-chain.
    • Note: if the target chain is not in the initiating chain dependency set, funds will be locked, similar to sending funds to the wrong address. If the target chain includes it later, these could be unlocked.
  • Freedom of movement: Users should be able to send and receive tokens in any target chain with the initiating chain in its dependency set using sendERC20() and relayERC20(), respectively.
  • Unique Messenger: The sendERC20() function must exclusively use the L2toL2CrossDomainMessenger for messaging. Similarly, the relayERC20() function should only process messages originating from the L2toL2CrossDomainMessenger.
    • Corollary: xERC20 and other standards from third-party bridges should use different functions.
  • Unique Address: The sendERC20() function must exclusively send a message to the same address on the target chain. Similarly, the relayERC20() function should only process messages originating from the same address.
    • Note: The Factory will ensure same address deployment.
  • Locally initiated: The bridging action should be initialized from the chain where funds are located only.
    • This is because the same address might correspond to different users cross-chain. For example, two SAFEs with the same address in two chains might have different owners. With the prospects of a smart wallet future, it is impossible to assume there will be a way to distinguish EOAs from smart wallets.
    • A way to allow for remotely initiated bridging is to include remote approval, i.e. approve a certain address in a certain chainId to spend local funds.
  • Bridge Events:
    • sendERC20() should emit a SentERC20 event. `
    • relayERC20() should emit a RelayedERC20 event.

Future Considerations

Cross Chain transferFrom

In addition to standard locally initialized bridging, it is possible to allow contracts to be cross-chain interoperable. For example, a contract in chain A could send pre-approved funds from a user in chain B to a contract in chain C.

For the moment, the standard will not include any specific functionality to facilitate such an action and rely on the usage of Permit2 like this:

  participant from
  participant Intermediate_A as Initiator
  participant Messenger_A as L2ToL2CrossDomainMessenger (Chain A)
  participant Inbox as CrossL2Inbox
  participant Messenger_B as L2ToL2CrossDomainMessenger (Chain B)
  participant Permit2
  participant SuperERC20_B as SuperchainERC20 (Chain B)
  participant Recipient as to

  from->>Intermediate_A: remoteTransferFrom(..., token, to, chainId, msg, signature)
  Intermediate_A->>Messenger_A: permit: sendMessage(chainId, message)
  Inbox->>Messenger_B: permit: relayMessage()
  Messenger_B->>Permit2: permitTransferFrom(msg, sig)
  Permit2->>SuperERC20_B: transferFrom(from, to, amount)

If, at some point in the future, these actions were to be included in the standard, a possible design could introduce a remoteTransferFrom() function.

Concatenated Action

It is possible to have an additional input bytes _data in both sendERC20() and relayERC20() that would make an additional call to the _to address. This feature could be used for cross-chain concatenated actions, i.e. bridge funds and then do X.

This vertical has much potential but can also be achieved outside the standard in the following way:

  participant from
  participant Intermediate_A as intermediate A
  participant SuperERC20_A as SuperERC20 (Chain A)
  participant Messenger_A as L2ToL2CrossDomainMessenger (Chain A)
  participant Inbox_B as CrossL2Inbox (Chain B)
  participant Messenger_B as L2ToL2CrossDomainMessenger (Chain B)
  participant SuperERC20_B as SuperERC20 (Chain B)

  from->>Intermediate_A: sendWithData(data)
  Intermediate_A->>SuperERC20_A: sendERC20(amount, chainId)
  SuperERC20_A->>SuperERC20_A: burn(from, amount)
  SuperERC20_A->>Messenger_A: sendMessage(chainId, message)
  Intermediate_A->>Messenger_A: sendMessage(chainId, to, data)
  Inbox_B->>Messenger_B: relayMessage(): transfer
  Messenger_B->>SuperERC20_B: finalizeSendERC20(to, amount)
  SuperERC20_B->>SuperERC20_B: mint(to, amount)
  Inbox_B->>Messenger_B: relayMessage(): call
  Messenger_B->>to: call(data)

Adding the call to the standard would remove the dependence on the sequencer regarding the proper tx ordering at the sequencer level, but would also introduce more risk for cross-chain fund transferring, as an incorrectly formatted call would burn funds in the initiating chain but would revert in destination and could never be successfully replayed.