System Config

Table of Contents


The SystemConfig is updated to allow for dynamic EIP-1559 parameters.


The following ConfigUpdate event is defined where the CONFIG_VERSION is uint256(0):

BATCHERuint8(0)abi.encode(address)Modifies the account that is authorized to progress the safe chain
FEE_SCALARSuint8(1)abi.encode(uint256(0), (uint256(0x01) << 248) | (uint256(_blobbasefeeScalar) << 32) | _basefeeScalar)Modifies the fee scalars
GAS_LIMITuint8(2)abi.encode(uint64 _gasLimit)Modifies the L2 gas limit
UNSAFE_BLOCK_SIGNERuint8(3)abi.encode(address)Modifies the account that is authorized to progress the unsafe chain
EIP_1559_PARAMSuint8(4)abi.encode((uint256(_denominator) << 32) | _elasticity)Modifies the EIP-1559 denominator and elasticity

Note that the above encoding is the format emitted by the SystemConfig event, which differs from the format in extraData from the block header.


The following actions should happen during the initialization of the SystemConfig:

  • emit ConfigUpdate.BATCHER
  • emit ConfigUpdate.FEE_SCALARS
  • emit ConfigUpdate.GAS_LIMIT
  • emit ConfigUpdate.UNSAFE_BLOCK_SIGNER
  • emit ConfigUpdate.EIP_1559_PARAMS

Modifying EIP-1559 Parameters

A new SystemConfig UpdateType is introduced that enables the modification of EIP-1559 parameters. This allows for the chain operator to modify the BASE_FEE_MAX_CHANGE_DENOMINATOR and the ELASTICITY_MULTIPLIER.


EIP-1559 Params


This function MUST only be callable by the chain governor.

function setEIP1559Params(uint32 _denominator, uint32 _elasticity)

The _denominator and _elasticity MUST be set to values greater to than 0. It is possible for the chain operator to set EIP-1559 parameters that result in poor user experience.


This function returns the currently configured EIP-1559 elasticity.

function eip1559Elasticity()(uint32)

This function returns the currently configured EIP-1559 denominator.

function eip1559Denominator()(uint32)