System Config

Table of Contents


The SystemConfig is updated to allow for dynamic EIP-1559 parameters.


The following ConfigUpdate event is defined where the CONFIG_VERSION is uint256(0):

BATCHERuint8(0)abi.encode(address)Modifies the account that is authorized to progress the safe chain
FEE_SCALARSuint8(1)(uint256(0x01) << 248) | (uint256(_blobbasefeeScalar) << 32) | _basefeeScalarModifies the fee scalars
GAS_LIMITuint8(2)abi.encode(uint64 _gasLimit)Modifies the L2 gas limit
UNSAFE_BLOCK_SIGNERuint8(3)abi.encode(address)Modifies the account that is authorized to progress the unsafe chain
EIP_1559_PARAMSuint8(4)(uint256(_denominator) << 32) | _elasticityModifies the EIP-1559 denominator and elasticity


The following actions should happen during the initialization of the SystemConfig:

  • emit ConfigUpdate.BATCHER
  • emit ConfigUpdate.FEE_SCALARS
  • emit ConfigUpdate.GAS_LIMIT
  • emit ConfigUpdate.UNSAFE_BLOCK_SIGNER
  • emit ConfigUpdate.EIP_1559_PARAMS

Modifying EIP-1559 Parameters

A new SystemConfig UpdateType is introduced that enables the modification of EIP-1559 parameters. This allows for the chain operator to modify the BASE_FEE_MAX_CHANGE_DENOMINATOR and the ELASTICITY_MULTIPLIER.


EIP-1559 Params


This function MUST only be callable by the chain governor.

function setEIP1559Params(uint32 _denominator, uint32 _elasticity)

The _denominator and _elasticity MUST be set to values greater to than 0. It is possible for the chain operator to set EIP-1559 parameters that result in poor user experience.


This function returns the currently configured EIP-1559 elasticity.

function eip1559Elasticity()(uint32)

This function returns the currently configured EIP-1559 denominator.

function eip1559Denominator()(uint32)