Isthmus L2 Chain Derivation Changes

Table of Contents

Network upgrade automation transactions

The Isthmus hardfork activation block contains the following transactions, in this order:

  • L1 Attributes Transaction
  • User deposits from L1
  • Network Upgrade Transactions
    • L1Block deployment
    • GasPriceOracle deployment
    • Operator Fee vault deployment
    • Update L1Block Proxy ERC-1967 Implementation
    • Update GasPriceOracle Proxy ERC-1967 Implementation
    • Update Operator Fee vault Proxy ERC-1967 Implementation
    • GasPriceOracle Enable Isthmus
    • EIP-2935 Contract Deployment

To not modify or interrupt the system behavior around gas computation, this block will not include any sequenced transactions by setting noTxPool: true.

L1Block deployment

The L1Block contract is upgraded to support the Isthmus operator fee feature.

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

  • from: 0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000003
  • to: null
  • mint: 0
  • value: 0
  • gasLimit: 425,000
  • data: 0x60806040523480156100105... (full bytecode)
  • sourceHash: 0x3b2d0821ca2411ad5cd3595804d1213d15737188ae4cbd58aa19c821a6c211bf, computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Isthmus: L1 Block Deployment"

This results in the Isthmus L1Block contract being deployed to 0xFf256497D61dcd71a9e9Ff43967C13fdE1F72D12, to verify:

cast compute-address --nonce=0 0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000003
Computed Address: 0xFf256497D61dcd71a9e9Ff43967C13fdE1F72D12

Verify sourceHash:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Isthmus: L1 Block Deployment"))
# 0x3b2d0821ca2411ad5cd3595804d1213d15737188ae4cbd58aa19c821a6c211bf

Verify data:

git checkout 9436dba8c4c906e36675f5922e57d1b55582889e
make build-contracts
jq -r ".bytecode.object" packages/contracts-bedrock/forge-artifacts/L1Block.sol/L1Block.json

This transaction MUST deploy a contract with the following code hash 0x8e3fe7a416d3e5f3b7be74ddd4e7e58e516fa3f80b67c6d930e3cd7297da4a4b.

To verify the code hash:

git checkout 9436dba8c4c906e36675f5922e57d1b55582889e
make build-contracts
cast k $(jq -r ".deployedBytecode.object" packages/contracts-bedrock/forge-artifacts/L1Block.sol/L1Block.json)

GasPriceOracle deployment

The GasPriceOracle contract is also upgraded to support the Isthmus operator fee feature.

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

  • from: 0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000004
  • to: null
  • mint: 0
  • value: 0
  • gasLimit: 1,625,000
  • data: 0x60806040523480156100105... (full bytecode)
  • sourceHash: 0xfc70b48424763fa3fab9844253b4f8d508f91eb1f7cb11a247c9baec0afb8035, computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Isthmus: Gas Price Oracle Deployment"

This results in the Isthmus GasPriceOracle contract being deployed to 0x93e57A196454CB919193fa9946f14943cf733845, to verify:

cast compute-address --nonce=0 0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000003
Computed Address: 0xFf256497D61dcd71a9e9Ff43967C13fdE1F72D12

Verify sourceHash:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Isthmus: Gas Price Oracle Deployment"))
# 0xfc70b48424763fa3fab9844253b4f8d508f91eb1f7cb11a247c9baec0afb8035

Verify data:

git checkout 9436dba8c4c906e36675f5922e57d1b55582889e
make build-contracts
jq -r ".bytecode.object" packages/contracts-bedrock/forge-artifacts/GasPriceOracle.sol/GasPriceOracle.json

This transaction MUST deploy a contract with the following code hash 0x4d195a9d7caf9fb6d4beaf80de252c626c853afd5868c4f4f8d19c9d301c2679.

To verify the code hash:

git checkout 9436dba8c4c906e36675f5922e57d1b55582889e
make build-contracts
cast k $(jq -r ".deployedBytecode.object" packages/contracts-bedrock/forge-artifacts/GasPriceOracle.sol/GasPriceOracle.json)

Operator fee vault deployment

A new OperatorFeeVault contract has been created to receive the operator fees. The contract is created with the following arguments:

  • Recipient address: The base fee vault
  • Min withdrawal amount: 0
  • Withdrawal network: L2

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

  • from: 0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000005
  • to: null
  • mint: 0
  • value: 0
  • gasLimit: 500,000
  • data: 0x60806040523480156100105... (full bytecode)
  • sourceHash: 0x107a570d3db75e6110817eb024f09f3172657e920634111ce9875d08a16daa96, computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Isthmus: Operator Fee Vault Deployment"

This results in the Isthmus OperatorFeeVault contract being deployed to 0x4fa2Be8cd41504037F1838BcE3bCC93bC68Ff537, to verify:

cast compute-address --nonce=0 0x4210000000000000000000000000000000000003
Computed Address: 0x4fa2Be8cd41504037F1838BcE3bCC93bC68Ff537

Verify sourceHash:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Isthmus: Operator Fee Vault Deployment"))
# 0x107a570d3db75e6110817eb024f09f3172657e920634111ce9875d08a16daa96

Verify data:

git checkout 9436dba8c4c906e36675f5922e57d1b55582889e
make build-contracts
jq -r ".bytecode.object" packages/contracts-bedrock/forge-artifacts/OperatorFeeVault.sol/OperatorFeeVault.json

This transaction MUST deploy a contract with the following code hash 0x57dc55c9c09ca456fa728f253fe7b895d3e6aae0706104935fe87c7721001971.

To verify the code hash:

git checkout 9436dba8c4c906e36675f5922e57d1b55582889e
make build-contracts
export ETH_RPC_URL= # Any RPC running Cancun or Prague
cast k $(cast call --create $(jq -r ".bytecode.object" packages/contracts-bedrock/forge-artifacts/OperatorFeeVault.sol/OperatorFeeVault.json))

Note that this verification differs from the other deployments because the OperatorFeeVault inherits the FeeVault contract which contains immutables. So the deployment bytecode has to be executed on an EVM to get the actual deployed contract bytecode. But it sets all immutables to fixed constants, so the resulting code hash is constant.

L1Block Proxy Update

This transaction updates the L1Block Proxy ERC-1967 implementation slot to point to the new L1Block deployment.

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

  • from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  • to: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000015 (L1Block Proxy)
  • mint: 0
  • value: 0
  • gasLimit: 50,000
  • data: 0x3659cfe6000000000000000000000000ff256497d61dcd71a9e9ff43967c13fde1f72d12
  • sourceHash: 0xebe8b5cb10ca47e0d8bda8f5355f2d66711a54ddeb0ef1d30e29418c9bf17a0e computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Isthmus: L1 Block Proxy Update"

Verify data:

cast concat-hex $(cast sig "upgradeTo(address)") $(cast abi-encode "upgradeTo(address)" 0xff256497d61dcd71a9e9ff43967c13fde1f72d12)

Verify sourceHash:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Isthmus: L1 Block Proxy Update"))
# 0xebe8b5cb10ca47e0d8bda8f5355f2d66711a54ddeb0ef1d30e29418c9bf17a0e

GasPriceOracle Proxy Update

This transaction updates the GasPriceOracle Proxy ERC-1967 implementation slot to point to the new GasPriceOracle deployment.

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

  • from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  • to: 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F (Gas Price Oracle Proxy)
  • mint: 0
  • value: 0
  • gasLimit: 50,000
  • data: 0x3659cfe600000000000000000000000093e57a196454cb919193fa9946f14943cf733845
  • sourceHash: 0xecf2d9161d26c54eda6b7bfdd9142719b1e1199a6e5641468d1bf705bc531ab0 computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with intent = "Isthmus: Gas Price Oracle Proxy Update"

Verify data:

cast concat-hex $(cast sig "upgradeTo(address)") $(cast abi-encode "upgradeTo(address)" 0x93e57a196454cb919193fa9946f14943cf733845)

Verify sourceHash:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Isthmus: Gas Price Oracle Proxy Update"))
# 0xecf2d9161d26c54eda6b7bfdd9142719b1e1199a6e5641468d1bf705bc531ab0

OperatorFeeVault Proxy Update

This transaction updates the GasPriceOracle Proxy ERC-1967 implementation slot to point to the new GasPriceOracle deployment.

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

  • from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  • to: 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000001B (Operator Fee Vault Proxy)
  • mint: 0
  • value: 0
  • gasLimit: 50,000
  • data: 0x3659cfe60000000000000000000000004fa2be8cd41504037f1838bce3bcc93bc68ff537
  • sourceHash: 0xad74e1adb877ccbe176b8fa1cc559388a16e090ddbe8b512f5b37d07d887a927 computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with intent = "Isthmus: Operator Fee Vault Proxy Update"

Verify data:

cast concat-hex $(cast sig "upgradeTo(address)") $(cast abi-encode "upgradeTo(address)" 0x4fa2be8cd41504037f1838bce3bcc93bc68ff537)

Verify sourceHash:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Isthmus: Operator Fee Vault Proxy Update"))
# 0xad74e1adb877ccbe176b8fa1cc559388a16e090ddbe8b512f5b37d07d887a927

GasPriceOracle Enable Isthmus

This transaction informs the GasPriceOracle to start using the Isthmus gas calculation formula.

A deposit transaction is derived with the following attributes:

  • from: 0xDeaDDEaDDeAdDeAdDEAdDEaddeAddEAdDEAd0001 (Depositer Account)
  • to: 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F (Gas Price Oracle Proxy)
  • mint: 0
  • value: 0
  • gasLimit: 90,000
  • data: 0x291b0383
  • sourceHash: 0x3ddf4b1302548dd92939826e970f260ba36167f4c25f18390a5e8b194b295319, computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Isthmus: Gas Price Oracle Set Isthmus"

Verify data:

cast sig "setIsthmus()"

Verify sourceHash:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Isthmus: Gas Price Oracle Set Isthmus"))
# 0x3ddf4b1302548dd92939826e970f260ba36167f4c25f18390a5e8b194b295319

EIP-2935 Contract Deployment

EIP-2935 requires a contract to be deployed. To deploy this contract, a deposit transaction is created with attributes matching the EIP:

  • from: 0xE9f0662359Bb2c8111840eFFD73B9AFA77CbDE10
  • to: null,
  • mint: 0
  • value: 0
  • gasLimit: 250,000
  • data: 0x60538060095f395ff33373fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe14604657602036036042575f35600143038111604257611fff81430311604257611fff9006545f5260205ff35b5f5ffd5b5f35611fff60014303065500,
  • sourceHash: 0xbfb734dae514c5974ddf803e54c1bc43d5cdb4a48ae27e1d9b875a5a150b553a computed with the "Upgrade-deposited" type, with `intent = "Isthmus: EIP-2935 Contract Deployment"

This results in the EIP-2935 contract being deployed to 0x0F792be4B0c0cb4DAE440Ef133E90C0eCD48CCCC, to verify:

cast compute-address --nonce=0 0xE9f0662359Bb2c8111840eFFD73B9AFA77CbDE10
Computed Address: 0x0F792be4B0c0cb4DAE440Ef133E90C0eCD48CCCC

Verify sourceHash:

cast keccak $(cast concat-hex 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 $(cast keccak "Isthmus: EIP-2935 Contract Deployment"))
# 0xbfb734dae514c5974ddf803e54c1bc43d5cdb4a48ae27e1d9b875a5a150b553a

This transaction MUST deploy a contract with the following code hash 0x6e49e66782037c0555897870e29fa5e552daf4719552131a0abce779daec0a5d.

Span Batch Updates

Span batches are a span of consecutive L2 blocks than are batched submitted.

Span batches contain the L1 transactions and transaction types that are posted containing the span of L2 blocks. Since EIP-7702 introduces a new transaction type, the Span Batch must be updated to support the EIP-7702 transaction.

This corresponds with a new RLP-encoding of the tx_datas list as specified in the Delta span batch spec, adding a new transaction type:

Transaction type 4 (EIP-7702 SetCode): 0x04 ++ rlp_encode(value, max_priority_fee_per_gas, max_fee_per_gas, data, access_list, authorization_list)

The EIP-7702 transaction extends EIP-1559 to include a new authorization_list field. authorization_list is an RLP-encoded list of authorization tuples. The EIP-7702 transaction format is as follows.

  • value: The transaction value as a u256.
  • max_priority_fee_per_gas: The maximum priority fee per gas allowed as a u256.
  • max_fee_per_gas: The maximum fee per gas as a u256.
  • data: The transaction data bytes.
  • access_list: The EIP-2930 access list.
  • authorization_list: The EIP-7702 signed authorization list.


Singular batches with transactions of type 4 must only be accepted if Isthmus is active at the timestamp of the batch. If a singular batch contains a transaction of type 4 before Isthmus is active, this batch must be dropped. Note that if Holocene is active, this will also lead to the remaining span batch, and channel that contained it, to get dropped.

Also note that this check must happen at the level of individual batches that are derived from span batches, not to span batches as a whole. In particular, it is allowed for a span batch to span the Isthmus activation timestamp and contain SetCode transactions in singular batches that have a timestamp at or after the Isthmus activation time, even if the timestamp of the span batch is before the Isthmus activation time.