OP Contracts Manager

The OP Contracts Manager is a contract that deploys the L1 contracts for an OP Stack chain in a single transaction. It provides a minimal set of user-configurable parameters to ensure that the resulting chain meets the standard configuration requirements.

The version deployed is always a governance-approved contract release. The set of governance approved contract releases can be found on the Optimism Monorepo releases page, and is the set of releases named op-contracts/vX.Y.Z.

Table of Contents


The OP Contracts Manager is a proxied contract deployed at 0xTODO. It can be deployed as follows:



Version 1.0.0 of the OP Contracts Manager deploys the op-contracts/v1.6.0 contracts release.


The OP Contracts Manager is a proxied contract using the standard Proxy.sol contract that lives in the Optimism monorepo. Therefore the OP Contracts Manager will have the same interface as the Proxy.sol, in addition to other methods defined in this specification.

The privileged methods of the OP Contracts Manager will be held by the L1 ProxyAdmin owner, as specified by the standard configuration.


The deploy method is the only non-view method in the contract. It is used to deploy the full set of L1 contracts required to setup a new OP Stack chain that complies with the standard configuration. It has the following interface:

struct Roles {
  address proxyAdminOwner;
  address systemConfigOwner;
  address batcher;
  address unsafeBlockSigner;
  address proposer;
  address challenger;

function deploy(
  uint256 l2ChainId,
  uint32 basefeeScalar,
  uint32 blobBasefeeScalar,
  Roles roles
) external returns (SystemConfig)

The l2ChainId has the following restrictions:

  • It must not be equal to 0.
  • It must not be equal to the chain ID of the chain the OP Contracts Manager is deployed on.
  • It must not be equal to a chain ID that is already present in the ethereum-lists/chains repository. This is not enforced onchain, but may matter for future versions of OP Contracts Manager that handle upgrades.

On success, the following event is emitted:

event Deployed(uint256 indexed l2ChainId, SystemConfig indexed systemConfig);

This method reverts on failure. This occurs when:

  • The input l2ChainId does not comply with the restrictions above.
  • The resulting configuration is not compliant with the standard configuration.

Getter Methods

The following interface defines the available getter methods:

/// @notice The logic address and initializer selector for an implementation contract.
struct Implementation {
  address logic; // Address containing the deployed logic contract.
  bytes4 initializer; // Function selector for the initializer.

/// @notice Returns the latest approved release of the OP Stack contracts.
/// @notice Release strings follow semver and are named with the
/// format `op-contracts/vX.Y.Z`.
function latestRelease() external view returns (string memory);

/// @notice Maps a release version to a contract name to its implementation data.
function implementation(
  string memory release,
  string memory contractName
) external view returns (Implementation memory);

/// @notice Maps an L2 Chain ID to the SystemConfig address for that chain.
/// @notice All contracts for a chain can be found from its SystemConfig.
function systemConfig(uint256 chainId) external view returns (SystemConfig);


Batch Inbox Address

The chain's Batch Inbox address is computed at deploy time using the recommend approach defined in the standard configuration. This improves UX by removing an input, and ensures uniqueness of the batch inbox addresses.

Contract Deployments

All contracts deployed by the OP Contracts Manager are deployed with CREATE2, with a salt equal to either:

  • The L2 chain ID, or
  • keccak256(bytes.concat(bytes32(uint256(l2ChainId)), contractName)).

The former is used when only a single instance of a given contract is deployed for a chain. The latter is used when deploying multiple instances of a given contract for a chain, which is the case of all Proxy contracts. For these, the contractName is the name of the implementation contract that will be used with the proxy.

This provides the following benefits:

  • Contract addresses for a chain can be derived as a function of chain ID without any RPC calls.
  • Chain ID uniqueness is enforced for free, as a deploy using the same chain ID will result in attempting to deploy to the same address, which is prohibited by the EVM.
    • This property is contingent on the proxy and AddressManager code not changing when OP Contracts Manager is upgraded. Both of these are not planned to change.
    • The OP Contracts Manager is not responsible for enforcing chain ID uniqueness, so it is acceptable if this property is not preserved in future versions of the OP Contracts Manager.

Security Considerations

Chain ID Source of Truth

One of the implicit restrictions on chain ID is that deploy can only be called once per chain ID, because contract addresses are a function of chain ID. However, future versions of OP Contracts Manager may:

  • Change the Proxy code used, which would allow a duplicate chain ID to be deployed if there is only the implicit check.
  • Manage upgrades, which will require "registering" existing pre-OP Contracts Manager chains in the OP Contracts Manager. Registration will be a privileged action, and the superchain registry will be used as the source of truth for registrations.

This means, for example, if deploying a chain with a chain ID of 10—which is OP Mainnet's chain ID—deployment will execute successfully, but the entry in OP Stack Manager may be overwritten in a future upgrade. Therefore, chain ID uniqueness is not enforced by the OP Contracts Manager, and it is strongly recommended to only use chain IDs that are not already present in the ethereum-lists/chains repository.

Chain ID Frontrunning

Contract addresses for a chain are a function of chain ID, which implies you can counterfactually compute and use those chain addresses before the chain is deployed. However, this property should not be relied upon—new chain deployments are permissionless, so you cannot guarantee usage of a given chain ID, as deploy transactions can be frontrun.

Chain ID Value

While not specific to OP Contracts Manager, when choosing a chain ID is important to consider that not all chain IDs are well supported by tools. For example, MetaMask only supports chain IDs up to 4503599627370476, well below the max allowable 256-bit value.

OP Contracts Manager does not consider factors such as these. The EVM supports 256-bit chain IDs, so OP Contracts Manager sticks with the full 256-bit range to maximize compatibility.

Proxy Admin Owner

The proxy admin owner is a very powerful role, as it allows upgrading protocol contracts. When choosing the initial proxy admin owner, a Safe is recommended to ensure admin privileges are sufficiently secured.

Upgradeability (ABI Changes)

This contract is upgradeable, and breaking changes are expected, as upgrades are required to update the contracts release that is deployed. This is because the required inputs to the deploy method may change as new contract releases are supported. Therefore, if calling this contract from another contract, be sure to account for future breaking changes to the ABI.