Optimism Overview

Table of Contents

This document is a high-level technical overview of the Optimism protocol. It aims to explain how the protocol works in an informal manner, and direct readers to other parts of the specification so that they may learn more.

This document assumes you've read the background.

Architecture Design Goals

  • Execution-Level EVM Equivalence: The developer experience should be identical to L1 except where L2 introduces a fundamental difference.
    • No special compiler.
    • No unexpected gas costs.
    • Transaction traces work out-of-the-box.
    • All existing Ethereum tooling works - all you have to do is change the chain ID.
  • Maximal compatibility with ETH1 nodes: The implementation should minimize any differences with a vanilla Geth node, and leverage as many existing L1 standards as possible.
    • The execution engine/rollup node uses the ETH2 Engine API to build the canonical L2 chain.
    • The execution engine leverages Geth's existing mempool and sync implementations, including snap sync.
  • Minimize state and complexity:
    • Whenever possible, services contributing to the rollup infrastructure are stateless.
    • Stateful services can recover to full operation from a fresh DB using the peer-to-peer network and on-chain sync mechanisms.
    • Running a replica is as simple as running a Geth node.

Architecture Overview

Core L1 Smart Contracts

Below you'll find an architecture diagram describing the core L1 smart contracts for the OP Stack. Smart contracts that are considered "peripheral" and not core to the operation of the OP Stack system are described separately.

graph LR
    subgraph "External Contracts"
        ExternalERC20(External ERC20 Contracts)
        ExternalERC721(External ERC721 Contracts)

    subgraph "L1 Smart Contracts"
        BatchDataEOA(<a href="../glossary.html#batcher-transaction">Batch Inbox Address</a>)
        L1StandardBridge(<a href="./bridges.html">L1StandardBridge</a>)
        L1ERC721Bridge(<a href="./bridges.html">L1ERC721Bridge</a>)
        L1CrossDomainMessenger(<a href="./messengers.html">L1CrossDomainMessenger</a>)
        OptimismPortal(<a href="./withdrawals.html#the-optimism-portal-contract">OptimismPortal</a>)
        SuperchainConfig(<a href="./superchain-configuration.html">SuperchainConfig</a>)
        SystemConfig(<a href="./system-config.html">SystemConfig</a>)
        DisputeGameFactory(<a href="../fault-proof/stage-one/dispute-game-interface.html#disputegamefactory-interface">DisputeGameFactory</a>)
        FaultDisputeGame(<a href="../fault-proof/stage-one/fault-dispute-game.html">FaultDisputeGame</a>)
        AnchorStateRegistry(<a href="../fault-proof/stage-one/fault-dispute-game.html#anchor-state-registry">AnchorStateRegistry</a>)
        DelayedWETH(<a href="../fault-proof/stage-one/bond-incentives.html#delayedweth#de">DelayedWETH</a>)

    subgraph "User Interactions (Permissionless)"

    subgraph "System Interactions"
        Batcher(<a href="./batcher.html">Batcher</a>)

    subgraph "Layer 2 Interactions"
        L2Nodes(Layer 2 Nodes)

    L2Nodes -.->|fetch transaction batches| BatchDataEOA
    L2Nodes -.->|fetch deposit events| OptimismPortal

    Batcher -->|publish transaction batches| BatchDataEOA

    ExternalERC20 <-->|mint/burn/transfer tokens| L1StandardBridge
    ExternalERC721 <-->|mint/burn/transfer tokens| L1ERC721Bridge

    L1StandardBridge <-->|send/receive messages| L1CrossDomainMessenger
    L1StandardBridge -.->|query pause state| SuperchainConfig

    L1ERC721Bridge <-->|send/receive messages| L1CrossDomainMessenger
    L1ERC721Bridge -.->|query pause state| SuperchainConfig

    L1CrossDomainMessenger <-->|send/receive messages| OptimismPortal
    L1CrossDomainMessenger -.->|query pause state| SuperchainConfig

    OptimismPortal -.->|query pause state| SuperchainConfig
    OptimismPortal -.->|query config| SystemConfig
    OptimismPortal -.->|query state proposals| DisputeGameFactory

    DisputeGameFactory -->|generate instances| FaultDisputeGame

    FaultDisputeGame -->|store bonds| DelayedWETH
    FaultDisputeGame -->|query/update anchor states| AnchorStateRegistry

    Users <-->|deposit/withdraw ETH/ERC20s| L1StandardBridge
    Users <-->|deposit/withdraw ERC721s| L1ERC721Bridge
    Users -->|prove/execute withdrawals| OptimismPortal

    Challengers -->|propose output roots| DisputeGameFactory
    Challengers -->|verify/challenge/defend proposals| FaultDisputeGame

    Guardian -->|pause/unpause| SuperchainConfig
    Guardian -->|safety net actions| OptimismPortal
    Guardian -->|safety net actions| DisputeGameFactory
    Guardian -->|safety net actions| DelayedWETH

    classDef extContracts stroke:#ff9,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef l1Contracts stroke:#bbf,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef l1EOA stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef userInt stroke:#f9a,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef systemUser stroke:#f9a,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef l2Nodes stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    class ExternalERC20,ExternalERC721 extContracts;
    class L1StandardBridge,L1ERC721Bridge,L1CrossDomainMessenger,OptimismPortal,SuperchainConfig,SystemConfig,DisputeGameFactory,FaultDisputeGame,DelayedWETH,AnchorStateRegistry l1Contracts;
    class BatchDataEOA l1EOA;
    class Users,Challengers userInt;
    class Batcher,Guardian systemUser;
    class L2Nodes l2Nodes;

Notes for Core L1 Smart Contracts

  • The Batch Inbox Address described above (highlighted in GREY) is not a smart contract and is instead an arbitrarily selected account that is assumed to have no known private key. The convention for deriving this account's address is provided on the Configurability page.
    • Historically, it was often derived as 0xFF0000....<L2 chain ID> where <L2 chain ID> is chain ID of the Layer 2 network for which the data is being posted. This is why many chains, such as OP Mainnet, have a batch inbox address of this form.
  • Smart contracts that sit behind Proxy contracts are highlighted in BLUE. Refer to the Smart Contract Proxies section below to understand how these proxies are designed.
    • The L1CrossDomainMessenger contract sits behind the ResolvedDelegateProxy contract, a legacy proxy contract type used within older versions of the OP Stack. This proxy type is used exclusively for the L1CrossDomainMessenger to maintain backwards compatibility.
    • The L1StandardBridge contract sits behind the L1ChugSplashProxy contract, a legacy proxy contract type used within older versions of the OP Stack. This proxy type is used exclusively for the L1StandardBridge contract to maintain backwards compatibility.

Core L2 Smart Contracts

Here you'll find an architecture diagram describing the core OP Stack smart contracts that exist natively on the L2 chain itself.

graph LR
    subgraph "Layer 1 (Ethereum)"
        L1SmartContracts(L1 Smart Contracts)

    subgraph "L2 Client"
        L2Node(L2 Node)

    subgraph "L2 System Contracts"
        L1Block(<a href="./predeploys.html#l1block">L1Block</a>)
        GasPriceOracle(<a href="./predeploys.html#gaspriceoracle">GasPriceOracle</a>)
        L1FeeVault(<a href="./predeploys.html#l1feevault">L1FeeVault</a>)
        BaseFeeVault(<a href="./predeploys.html#basefeevault">BaseFeeVault</a>)
        SequencerFeeVault(<a href="./predeploys.html#sequencerfeevault">SequencerFeeVault</a>)

    subgraph "L2 Bridge Contracts"
        L2CrossDomainMessenger(<a href="./predeploys.html#l2crossdomainmessenger">L2CrossDomainMessenger</a>)
        L2ToL1MessagePasser(<a href="./predeploys.html#l2tol1messagepasser">L2ToL1MessagePasser</a>)
        L2StandardBridge(<a href="./predeploys.html#l2standardbridge">L2StandardBridge</a>)
        L2ERC721Bridge(<a href="./predeploys.html">L2ERC721Bridge</a>)

    subgraph "Transactions"
        DepositTransaction(Deposit Transaction)
        UserTransaction(User Transaction)

    subgraph "External Contracts"
        ExternalERC20(External ERC20 Contracts)
        ExternalERC721(External ERC721 Contracts)

    subgraph "Remaining L2 Universe"
        OtherContracts(Any Contracts and Addresses)

    L2Node -.->|derives chain from| L1SmartContracts
    L2Node -->|updates| L1Block
    L2Node -->|distributes fees to| L1FeeVault
    L2Node -->|distributes fees to| BaseFeeVault
    L2Node -->|distributes fees to| SequencerFeeVault
    L2Node -->|derives from deposits| DepositTransaction
    L2Node -->|derives from chain data| UserTransaction

    UserTransaction -->|can trigger| OtherContracts
    DepositTransaction -->|maybe triggers| L2CrossDomainMessenger
    DepositTransaction -->|can trigger| OtherContracts

    ExternalERC20 <-->|mint/burn/transfer| L2StandardBridge
    ExternalERC721 <-->|mint/burn/transfer| L2ERC721Bridge

    L2StandardBridge <-->|sends/receives messages| L2CrossDomainMessenger
    L2ERC721Bridge <-->|sends/receives messages| L2CrossDomainMessenger
    GasPriceOracle -.->|queries| L1Block
    L2CrossDomainMessenger -->|sends messages| L2ToL1MessagePasser

    classDef extContracts stroke:#ff9,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef l2Contracts stroke:#bbf,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef transactions stroke:#fba,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef l2Node stroke:#f9a,stroke-width:2px;

    class ExternalERC20,ExternalERC721 extContracts;
    class L2CrossDomainMessenger,L2ToL1MessagePasser,L2StandardBridge,L2ERC721Bridge l2Contracts;
    class L1Block,L1FeeVault,BaseFeeVault,SequencerFeeVault,GasPriceOracle l2Contracts;
    class UserTransaction,DepositTransaction transactions;
    class L2Node l2Node;

Notes for Core L2 Smart Contracts

  • Contracts highlighted as "L2 System Contracts" are updated or mutated automatically as part of the chain derivation process. Users typically do not mutate these contracts directly, except in the case of the FeeVault contracts where any user may trigger a withdrawal of collected fees to the pre-determined withdrawal address.
  • Smart contracts that sit behind Proxy contracts are highlighted in BLUE. Refer to the Smart Contract Proxies section below to understand how these proxies are designed.
  • User interactions for the "L2 Bridge Contracts" have been omitted from this diagram but largely follow the same user interactions described in the architecture diagram for the Core L1 Smart Contracts.

Smart Contract Proxies

Most OP Stack smart contracts sit behind Proxy contracts that are managed by a ProxyAdmin contract. The ProxyAdmin contract is controlled by some owner address that can be any EOA or smart contract. Below you'll find a diagram that explains the behavior of the typical proxy contract.

graph LR
    ProxyAdminOwner(Proxy Admin Owner)
    ProxyAdmin(<a href="https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/blob/develop/packages/contracts-bedrock/src/universal/ProxyAdmin.sol">ProxyAdmin</a>)

    subgraph "Logical Smart Contract"
        Proxy(<a href="https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/blob/develop/packages/contracts-bedrock/src/universal/Proxy.sol">Proxy</a>)

    ProxyAdminOwner -->|manages| ProxyAdmin
    ProxyAdmin -->|upgrades| Proxy
    Proxy -->|delegatecall| Implementation

    classDef l1Contracts stroke:#bbf,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef systemUser stroke:#f9a,stroke-width:2px;
    class Proxy l1Contracts;
    class ProxyAdminOwner systemUser;

L2 Node Components

Below you'll find a diagram illustrating the basic interactions between the components that make up an L2 node as well as demonstrations of how different actors use these components to fulfill their roles.

graph LR
    subgraph "L2 Node"
        RollupNode(<a href="./rollup-node.html">Rollup Node</a>)
        ExecutionEngine(<a href="./exec-engine.html">Execution Engine</a>)

    subgraph "System Interactions"
        BatchSubmitter(<a href="./batcher.html">Batch Submitter</a>)
        OutputSubmitter(Output Submitter)

    subgraph "L1 Smart Contracts"
        BatchDataEOA(<a href="../glossary.html#batcher-transaction">Batch Inbox Address</a>)
        OptimismPortal(<a href="./withdrawals.html#the-optimism-portal-contract">OptimismPortal</a>)
        DisputeGameFactory(<a href="../fault-proof/stage-one/dispute-game-interface.html#disputegamefactory-interface">DisputeGameFactory</a>)
        FaultDisputeGame(<a href="../fault-proof/stage-one/fault-dispute-game.html">FaultDisputeGame</a>)

    BatchSubmitter -.->|fetch transaction batch info| RollupNode
    BatchSubmitter -.->|fetch transaction batch info| ExecutionEngine
    BatchSubmitter -->|send transaction batches| BatchDataEOA

    RollupNode -.->|fetch transaction batches| BatchDataEOA
    RollupNode -.->|fetch deposit transactions| OptimismPortal
    RollupNode -->|drives| ExecutionEngine

    OutputSubmitter -.->|fetch outputs| RollupNode
    OutputSubmitter -->|send output proposals| DisputeGameFactory

    Challenger -.->|fetch dispute games| DisputeGameFactory
    Challenger -->|verify/challenge/defend games| FaultDisputeGame

    classDef l2Components stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef systemUser stroke:#f9a,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef l1Contracts stroke:#bbf,stroke-width:2px;

    class RollupNode,ExecutionEngine l2Components;
    class BatchSubmitter,OutputSubmitter,Challenger systemUser;
    class BatchDataEOA,OptimismPortal,DisputeGameFactory,FaultDisputeGame l1Contracts;

Transaction/Block Propagation

Spec links:

Since the EE uses Geth under the hood, Optimism uses Geth's built-in peer-to-peer network and transaction pool to propagate transactions. The same network can also be used to propagate submitted blocks and support snap-sync.

Unsubmitted blocks, however, are propagated using a separate peer-to-peer network of Rollup Nodes. This is optional, however, and is provided as a convenience to lower latency for verifiers and their JSON-RPC clients.

The below diagram illustrates how the sequencer and verifiers fit together:


Key Interactions In Depth


Spec links:

Optimism supports two types of deposits: user deposits, and L1 attributes deposits. To perform a user deposit, users call the depositTransaction method on the OptimismPortal contract. This in turn emits TransactionDeposited events, which the rollup node reads during block derivation.

L1 attributes deposits are used to register L1 block attributes (number, timestamp, etc.) on L2 via a call to the L1 Attributes Predeploy. They cannot be initiated by users, and are instead added to L2 blocks automatically by the rollup node.

Both deposit types are represented by a single custom EIP-2718 transaction type on L2.

Block Derivation


The rollup chain can be deterministically derived given an L1 Ethereum chain. The fact that the entire rollup chain can be derived based on L1 blocks is what makes Optimism a rollup. This process can be represented as:

derive_rollup_chain(l1_blockchain) -> rollup_blockchain

Optimism's block derivation function is designed such that it:

  • Requires no state other than what is easily accessible using L1 and L2 execution engine APIs.
  • Supports sequencers and sequencer consensus.
  • Is resilient to sequencer censorship.

Epochs and the Sequencing Window

The rollup chain is subdivided into epochs. There is a 1:1 correspondence between L1 block numbers and epoch numbers.

For L1 block number n, there is a corresponding rollup epoch n which can only be derived after a sequencing window worth of blocks has passed, i.e. after L1 block number n + SEQUENCING_WINDOW_SIZE is added to the L1 chain.

Each epoch contains at least one block. Every block in the epoch contains an L1 info transaction which contains contextual information about L1 such as the block hash and timestamp. The first block in the epoch also contains all deposits initiated via the OptimismPortal contract on L1. All L2 blocks can also contain sequenced transactions, i.e. transactions submitted directly to the sequencer.

Whenever the sequencer creates a new L2 block for a given epoch, it must submit it to L1 as part of a batch, within the epoch's sequencing window (i.e. the batch must land before L1 block n + SEQUENCING_WINDOW_SIZE). These batches are (along with the TransactionDeposited L1 events) what allows the derivation of the L2 chain from the L1 chain.

The sequencer does not need for a L2 block to be batch-submitted to L1 in order to build on top of it. In fact, batches typically contain multiple L2 blocks worth of sequenced transactions. This is what enables fast transaction confirmations on the sequencer.

Since transaction batches for a given epoch can be submitted anywhere within the sequencing window, verifiers must search all blocks within the window for transaction batches. This protects against the uncertainty of transaction inclusion of L1. This uncertainty is also why we need the sequencing window in the first place: otherwise the sequencer could retroactively add blocks to an old epoch, and validators wouldn't know when they can finalize an epoch.

The sequencing window also prevents censorship by the sequencer: deposits made on a given L1 block will be included in the L2 chain at worst after SEQUENCING_WINDOW_SIZE L1 blocks have passed.

The following diagram describes this relationship, and how L2 blocks are derived from L1 blocks (L1 info transactions have been elided):

Epochs and Sequencing Windows

Block Derivation Loop

A sub-component of the rollup node called the rollup driver is actually responsible for performing block derivation. The rollup driver is essentially an infinite loop that runs the block derivation function. For each epoch, the block derivation function performs the following steps:

  1. Downloads deposit and transaction batch data for each block in the sequencing window.
  2. Converts the deposit and transaction batch data into payload attributes for the Engine API.
  3. Submits the payload attributes to the Engine API, where they are converted into blocks and added to the canonical chain.

This process is then repeated with incrementing epochs until the tip of L1 is reached.

Engine API

The rollup driver doesn't actually create blocks. Instead, it directs the execution engine to do so via the Engine API. For each iteration of the block derivation loop described above, the rollup driver will craft a payload attributes object and send it to the execution engine. The execution engine will then convert the payload attributes object into a block, and add it to the chain. The basic sequence of the rollup driver is as follows:

  1. Call fork choice updated with the payload attributes object. We'll skip over the details of the fork choice state parameter for now - just know that one of its fields is the L2 chain's headBlockHash, and that it is set to the block hash of the tip of the L2 chain. The Engine API returns a payload ID.
  2. Call get payload with the payload ID returned in step 1. The engine API returns a payload object that includes a block hash as one of its fields.
  3. Call new payload with the payload returned in step 2. (Ecotone blocks, must use V3, pre-Ecotone blocks MUST use the V2 version)
  4. Call fork choice updated with the fork choice parameter's headBlockHash set to the block hash returned in step 2. The tip of the L2 chain is now the block created in step 1.

The swimlane diagram below visualizes the process:

Engine API